The first decorative item I bought for my office wasn’t a landscape painting. It was a life-size wall graphic of Darth Vadar that I bought from Fathead. I wanted to make sure that every visitor understood my change management process.

I love the scene where Darth Vadar, voiced by actor James Earl Jones, states, “Luke, I’m your father.”

Yet, there’s another scene in the Star Wars movie, The Empire Strikes Back, that I love even more. It’s when Yoda is teaching Luke Skywalker on how to use the Force.

  • Yoda asks Luke to lift a stuck in the mud spaceship… using only his thoughts.
  • Luke doesn’t believe he can do it.

Luke has been able to move small obstacles, like stones and sticks. But a massive spaceship? That’s completely different. It’s too big of a challenge to visualize.

Yoda explains that the only difference between the stone and the spaceship is in his mind.

Luke says, “Alright, I’ll give it a try.”

Yoda responds…

The point is that when we say we are trying we don’t really have to do anything. It provides you with an excuse for failure.

Trying is the red-headed stepchild of mental laziness. It just makes it easier for you to give up.”

What are you trying to change?

  • Are you trying to get your boss to buy into your project idea?
  • Are you trying to improve your company’s revenue or improve your churn rate?
  • Are you trying to generate more marketing qualified opportunities or sales calls?

This may sound like a small detail, but it has huge consequences. It’s time to quit trying and just do it.

3 Change Management Process Steps You Need To Master

  1. Throw away the word “try” from your vocabulary plate like brussel sprouts. It only makes you feel better when you fail.
  2. Decide either to do or not do. If you don’t want to do something fine. Don’t do it. And don’t beat yourself up about your decision.
  3. Commit time to practice, drilling, and rehearsing. Start with small opportunities. Remember, Luke Skywalker first practiced by moving rocks. Get small wins under your belt. Then rehearse for the big fight you want to go after.

As Yoda explained to Luke, the change management process begins in your mind. If you can visualize and concentrate on the tasks it takes to make a change, then “The Force” is strong within you.

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